A homage to leather travel companions
When you go on a journey, the most important accessory of all is the travel bag itself.
baked potato and spelled dumplings from Stern
Niklas Rappold, the head chef at the Stern, takes us to his hotel kitchen and prepares a vegetarian dish with us. We learn all sorts of insights.
Experience originality in the mountaineering villages
Here the awareness of a harmonious life in harmony between people and nature is still omnipresent and the natural boundaries are respected.
Five activities in Tyrol for body, soul and spirit
The highlight of the activities was that we got to know incredibly nice people who showed us their homes.
Brandenburg calling: Five places in the country
Anyone who thinks a weekend trip to the countryside of Brandenburg is boring has never driven an electric car. In addition to the completely different driving experience and pleasure, it is above all the thrill that arises.
Five places at the gates of Hamburg
Just in time for the beginning of summer and the easing of restrictions in many places, the electric car sharing provider "WeShare" is coming up with a great offer to sweeten your weekend.
Travel far away without a plane
There hasn't been much good news in the last 17 months. But bright spots definitely included images of major cities that were smog-free for the first time.
I pack my rucksack for Tyrol and take with me ...
Great products from the GoodBuy Shop that are not only sustainable, but also sweeten my trip, clean my teeth afterwards and don't let me die of thirst on the way.
The country tranquility of Gut Boltenhof
Park quickly, take your luggage with you and walk along the long paved avenue of lime trees to the staircase of the manor house, unlock the door and stand in the middle of the beautiful entrance hall.
Lived sustainability in the star
The first stay during Cécile's trip to Tyrol took place at Stern in Obsteig, on the sunny plateau. She was allowed to interview host René Föger and was initiated into the concept he lived by and his plans for the future.