INA WO(A)NDERS: what do beach clean-ups bring?
Every year, 10 million tons of plastic end up in our seas - a tide that one person alone can certainly not do much about. In this column, our author Ina explains why she continues to clear beaches of plastic waste.
On the way to a plastic-free bathroom with a soap spray
Whether shampoo, liquid soap or toothpaste - almost all conventional hygiene items from our bathroom are in plastic packaging.
Plant-based innovations from MÁDARA Cosmetics
Many people know that fast fashion is bad for our planet, but what about the beauty industry? Did you know that cosmetics manufacturers are one of the biggest polluters?
Travel packaging-free
More and more people are attaching importance to doing their shopping with as little plastic or packaging as possible. This is made possible by so-called unpackaged shops, which are conquering more and more cities, as this list shows.
Upcycling: lampshades made from plastic bottles
The Spanish product designer Alvaro Catalan de Ocon also wanted to get involved. In 2011, for example, he took part in a project against plastic waste in the Colombian Amazon.