15% on WeShare – a trip through colorful autumn
Together with WeShare, we are recommending a few excursion destinations in the WeShare cities of Hamburg and Berlin in autumn - the Good Travel Community enjoys 15% off the new daily packages.
Five places that are easy to reach with the 9 euro ticket
We present five places within Germany that can be easily reached with the 9-euro ticket, i.e. public transport.
Off to Kassel: art, accommodation and mobility
The 15th documenta starts on June 18, 2022 and, like every five years, invites thousands of national and international art lovers.
Green island life: How Usedom is rethinking
Cécile was allowed to explore the various sustainable offers on Usedom for a week. The island on the Baltic Sea has set itself the task of becoming holistically more sustainable.
Spring awakening: Off to the Berlin and Hamburg area
Now that the days are getting longer again, the desire for a trip into the countryside is increasing again. How practical is the car sharing provider WeShare.
Brandenburg calling: Five places in the country
Anyone who thinks a weekend trip to the countryside of Brandenburg is boring has never driven an electric car. In addition to the completely different driving experience and pleasure, it is above all the thrill that arises.
Five places at the gates of Hamburg
Just in time for the beginning of summer and the easing of restrictions in many places, the electric car sharing provider "WeShare" is coming up with a great offer to sweeten your weekend.
Climate-friendly through Austria
Off to Tyrol! After a few weeks of preparation as well as hoping and worrying, the time had come: the borders to Austria are open and tourism is possible again.
Fair bicycles made of bamboo
The idea of a bamboo bike is far from new. The rapidly renewable raw material was used to build bicycles more than 100 years ago.
Breathtaking travel destinations in Germany in the midst of nature
A holiday at home is often not associated with anything exciting. But there are also breathtaking travel destinations to discover in Germany that you might not expect to find here.