INA WO(A)NDERS: Can you travel too much?
Our author Ina loves being on the road. But can you really travel too much? She asks this question in this column.
INA WO(A)NDERS: About travel apps
Before and during her travels, Ina uses numerous apps to make her life easier on the road. In her column, she questions what she gains from this - and what she might miss out on as a result.
Why do people go to hot places on vacation? During a heatwave in France, our columnist Ina finally found an answer to this question.
Travel around – what remains? In her column, our author Ina philosophizes this time about travel souvenirs.
INA WO(A)NDERS: About travel fatigue
Whether with your own van or sailboat, traveling for a long time is really fun. But does our author sometimes lose interest?
Ina WO(A)NDERS: About podcasting
Ina tells us about her experiences producing a travel podcast while on the boat and in the van.
INA WO(A)NDERS: An ode to the sea
For the past six years, our author Ina has lived most of the time on or by the sea. Why the sea fascinates us so much.
INA WO(A)NDERS: About food waste on vacation
Have you ever bought too much groceries while on vacation? In her column, our author Ina presents a small solution for less food waste.
INA WO(A)NDERS: what do beach clean-ups bring?
Every year, 10 million tons of plastic end up in our seas - a tide that one person alone can certainly not do much about. In this column, our author Ina explains why she continues to clear beaches of plastic waste.
INA WO(A)NDERS: About making plans
Why it's sometimes better to bury plans in the sand and why life often takes them by surprise.