Five places on Usedom
Planning your vacation depends on choosing the right accommodation. This way you can not only look forward to exploring the place, but also to a comfortable bed where you can sleep in and relax.
Refuel properly: 5 places of power in Austria
Who doesn't know it - the events of the world bombard you, you lose yourself in thoughts, you're constantly brooding, and letting go and coming down is really difficult. Especially in times like these, regular refueling is particularly important.
Five places off the slopes
Anyone who has had enough of the alpine ski circuit will be delighted with this handpicked selection of five sustainable accommodations. These five off-piste spots show that there are great, eco-conscious alternatives to skiing and snowboarding.
Five places in the far north of Europe
A special magic emanates from the countries in the far north of Europe, not only in the winter months. While the breathtaking northern lights can be admired in many places in winter, there are also incredibly beautiful natural spectacles to be discovered in summer.
Five places in the radio silence
Travelers are looking more and more specifically for places where they can completely shield themselves from the digital outside world, at least for a certain amount of time. We show where.
Brandenburg calling: Five places in the country
Anyone who thinks a weekend trip to the countryside of Brandenburg is boring has never driven an electric car. In addition to the completely different driving experience and pleasure, it is above all the thrill that arises.
Five places at the gates of Hamburg
Just in time for the beginning of summer and the easing of restrictions in many places, the electric car sharing provider "WeShare" is coming up with a great offer to sweeten your weekend.
Five places for summer
A very special place by the sea. From a picturesque coastal village to luxurious villas to untouched nature.
Five places to hibernate
The volcanic island of Lanzarote, located in the northeast of the Canary Islands not far from the Moroccan coast, is a very special place of power. With an average annual temperature of 20 degrees Celsius, the island is an ideal place to spend the winter.
Tiny House concept: five places to get to know each other
The so-called Tiny House Movement promotes life in small houses and sees itself as a protest movement against increasing material prosperity.