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Opener market enthusiast

Fair and regional: We introduce the market enthusiasts

More and more people want to know what's in theirs food is where they come from and who makes them. What could be more obvious than simply asking the producers about it personally while shopping? The market enthusiast idea France make it possible.

The simple idea of ​​market enthusiasts: order online, pick up around the corner

Marktschwärmer creates a direct connection between producers and consumers in a region. Customers can conveniently order in the Online shop of their crush. Once a week they meet on site for almost two hours to hand over the orders in person.

Shop with little contact, fresh and sustainable

From France to Berlin-Weißensee

The idea of ​​online direct marketing comes from France, where since 2011 under the name “La Ruche Qui Dit Oui” (in German: The beehive that says yes), over 800 enthusiasm has arisen. The network started in Germany in autumn 2014. More than 150 local stores are currently open in thirteen federal states. Almost 100 more crushes are under construction.

After months of preparation, the first hawk market in Berlin-Weißensee opened in the bread factory. After that, the market takes place every Tuesday at the same time every week and brings good food from the region directly to the neighborhood.

“Marktschwarmer offers an excellent opportunity for uncomplicated, regional shopping and at the same time strengthens the position of small farms. It is an important way to support the necessary change in the food industry.” – Anna Wallersheim, hostess of the Marktschwarmer weekly market in Berlin-Weißensee

Anna is looking forward to the opening of the Marktschwärmerei in Berlin-Weißensee

The food from the market swarms' weekly markets comes exclusively from rural producers, food artisans and smaller manufacturers in the region. On average, there are no more than 40 kilometers of transport between the place of manufacture and the crush. The range includes fruit and vegetables, meat and sausage products, bread, honey, cheese and dairy products as well as selected delicatessen products. Most of the products come from organic farming, animal welfare and meet high quality standards. Thus, the weekly markets of the market enthusiasts are an ideal solution for everyone who values ​​quality and sustainability in their shopping basket.

Farmer to the people!

In crushing, producers and consumers trade directly with each other. The producers give 8,35 percent of their net sales to the hostess for organizing the crush and 10 percent to market enthusiasts for providing the platform. At 81,65 percent, the majority of the income remains with the producers. They also determine the prices themselves - after all, the producers themselves know best what a fair price is for their work. Thanks to pre-ordering via the online shop, you can also plan exactly and avoid unnecessary cooling and transport costs and the waste of perishable goods.

You can find more information and where and when your next market hawker’s market will take place .

Visiting the market swarms weekly markets is an event for young and old


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